Converting a vector of values to a CSV in pure clojure. Not actually that interesting, just wanted the chance to try out klipse.
(ns example.silly-csv
[clojure.string :as string]))
(def csv
[["name" "age" "occupation" "gender"]
["Peter Pan" 312 "Lost Boy" "male"]
["Wendy Darling" 14 "Older Sister" "female"]
["Captain Hook" 330 "Pirate" "male"]
["Tinker Bell" nil "Fairy" "female"]])
(defn clean-str [s]
(pr-str (string/replace s "\n" "")))
(defn build-csv [xs]
(->> xs
(map (fn [xs] (map #(if (string? %) (clean-str %) %) xs))) ;; quote all strings
(map (partial string/join ",")) ;; seq of seq -> seq of strings
(string/join "\n"))) ;; seq of string -> string
(println (build-csv csv))